Monday, July 14, 2008

The Message of a Rainbow

"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is a sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth." Genesis 9:13

I recently went to the bookstore and purchased a daily devotional. I love the way that God speaks through things that you may never expect. The verse about spoke volumes to me. First off there is a little bit of a back story to why it spoke so loudly to me.

About two weeks ago I was talking to a dear friend about how selfish and ungrateful that we as Christians can be. We began listing things that we take for granted that we are thankful for. Example: Eye sight, hearing, rain, clouds, gas stations, computers, and we mentioned rainbows. Well, later that day there was a sudden down pour of rain, and my friend calls me telling me that she just saw a rainbow, then when she sits back down at her computer she had a picture of a rainbow on her screen saver, and then a couple days later it rained again and there was another rainbow. God kept reminding us of HIS goodness through these rainbows.

Well, as I was reading this passage from Genesis I was thinking about this past conversation and was thinking that the main purpose of the rainbow was to symbolize the promise God made to us to never flood the entire earth again, but as I continued to meditate on this I was thinking about the symbolism that it also holds to many of the other promises God made to His people, to me. Looking at Noah's life and what the Lord brought him through and how he endured, I noticed that he was always faithful, and obedient. God protected him, but didn't shield him, and as a result Noah stayed surrendered to his Heavenly Father. I realized that the significance in the rainbow carries all of that in it too. I realized that I want to be more like Noah.

The last few days I have been struggling with understanding what God is doing in my life. Why He allowed my family to go through the struggles that we have gone through? Why He gave me the weaknesses He did? Why I struggle with my self-esteem even when I am re-assured time and time again? But in the simple rainbow is a picture of God's faithfulness. He is faithful to those who are faithful and surrendered to Him. God always keeps His promises!


Sara said...

Yay, what an awesome entry Liz. Thanks for your encouragement in writing this!!!
God is so faithful, He is worthy of all our love.

Jennifer said...

Thank you Liz for this post...I really needed to be reminded of this today!