Tuesday, September 22, 2009

No Greater Love

This is Isaac Mathew Samuelson. Born to Mat and Anne Samuelson. September 17, 2009 1:35pm 6lbs 15oz 19inches. He is happy and healthy!

Today I was hit with a greater understanding of what love is. As I mentioned before, my very good friend, Anne, just had a baby. She and her husband, Mat, brought the baby into the church to visit everyone. After all the excitement settled Anne and I were talking about the overwhelming love that she has for Isaac, her son. It is unexplainable and overwhelming. I can't even imagine the amount of love that she has for him because I feel a great amount of love for him too. But what hit me even harder than that was the Love that God has for us is even greater than the love a mother or father has for thier child. It is overwhelming.

The book of I John keeps running through my head. The greatness of God's love is impossible to comprehend! I often times think, "Do I really love this person?" I challange myself with the thought...would I give my life for this person? I would say 90% of the time I'd say yes even if I am not really close with the person. But 100% of the time Jesus said Yes! He loves us more than we can humanily understand.

"This is how we know what love is, that Jesus Christ laid down His life for us!"

1 comment:

Sara said...

that is a beautiful thought dear, I've felt that way before. Amazed at God's love and how much greater it is than our love for others.